
For those wanting to take the next step in life:

Spirit plant medicine retreats & ceremonies in Vancouver, Canada

Our Mission; Our Model

Activate the healer within and witness Consciousness through Psychedelic medicine, Psychology, Non-Dualistic Spirituality, Intronaut Breathwork , and the Practicality of Integration

Heal trauma and childhood wounds

Self - Actualization

Discover who you really are

Activate creative energy

✓ Personal Growth and Conscious choice to evolve.

What is an Intronaut?

A psychonaut is an explorer of an altered state of consciousness (typically occasioned by psychedelic medicine). An Intronaut, on the other hand, dives from the awareness and the heart into the soul so they can rediscover the answers to forgotten questions. There is an awakening that is happening within each of us. Our inner voice is leading us all the time but it’s drowned out by the external noise we are constantly being exposed to. 

By exploring what you have buried in your unconscious, you can re-discover the consciousness that exists in you.


The loving service of Dr. Lana and Ivan Rados, their teachings, their experiential wisdom are helping and guiding the forgoten souls to remember. expand and step away from the polarity-interpretations of 'Life’, Love', ’ Freedom’, ‘Truth‘ and ‘Healing’ and begin to connect to the true, Divine-Essence of who we really are.

Humanity is awakening to the understanding and healing, creative power that CONSCIOUS LOVE can activate not only personal growth, well being and transformation, but also to activate and co-create a global and universal consciousness.

As revelations continue to expose the darker side of human experience at this time, more souls are beying forced to consider what their 'truth' is and what service they are here to share with humanity. With each revelation, each human gains greater perspective, because in the spaces of where the creative power of love and compassion has not been present, there has always been a seed of truth waiting to illuminate that darkness.

You are cordially invited to begin a journey towards knowing yourself, your relation to LIFE, to LOVE, to HEALING, to TRUTH, and to the EXISTENCE of WHOLENESS.

Are you ready to step into your noble, conscious healing service in co-creating a golden Gaia - our Earth?

It is an Intronaut journey of self-remembering and inner empowerment; a journey of Divine Creativity; a journey towards LOVE and CONSCIOUSNESS, remembering your Divine Soul, your Conscious Love and a knowing of the Oneness within and it is a journey in service to LIFE, to Love and to the ALL THAT IS.



HEALING TRAUMA and childhood wounds

All that you neglected, all of your regrets, worries, faults, and anxieties, stop you from accepting and being your true One-Self. We help guide you through your unconsciousness so you can bring your divine light out and be more receptive to the inner wisdom of your One-Self.


PERSONAL GROWTH and Conscious choice to evolve.

You are not an actidental victim of life. Everything comes from you, it goes through you and it’s all for you.

Many people live based on past programming, attachment, and expectations from themselves and others. We invite you to start making conscious changes in your perception of yourself, the reality you unconsciously create, and life you live, by letting go of patterns, habits and addictions that no longer serve you, so you can be the natural, existential, essential and real, truthful, loving One-Self.


Discover who you really are

We all suffer from a false identity by associating ourselves with something we are not and cannot be. There is a quiet message contained within you that can be heard when you Allow, Accept with Gratitude and Let Go of your attachment to this false identity.



Loving life consciously leads to creativity.

In the inifite Universe, the creator and creation are just two aspects of the same One energy we call Wholeness. You are that very essence of creative energy of the One Existence. Freeing up your creative flow is not about controlling or fighting the blockage, it is about acting on consciousness and the intuition of your loving heart. When you tune in and take a small step towards your consciousness, you tap into an infinite resource of infinite possibilities that allows you to reconnect and remember your own power within, the power of the creative Universe.

Our Healers


Ivan Rados, head Healer

Ivan Rados is regarded as one of the most provocative spiritual teachers of the Western World. Following a prolific art career (with features in over 130 exhibitions across the UK and Europe), Ivan experienced an inner awakening that fundamentally shifted his perception of reality. The fruits of this awakening would later form the basis of his non-dualistic teachings, on which he has authored several best-selling titles, including: Health: It's All About ConsciousnessThe Art of Meditation, and The Middle Point.

“Loving yourself is the only way for someone else to love you. If you don’t love yourself, your mind will not allow anybody to come close to you and your heart.” - Ivan Rados

DR. Lana Rados, head Healer

Lana Rados is an integrative therapist with 40 years of clinical experience. After qualifying as a clinical psychologist in her country of origin (the former Yugoslavia), Lana moved into private practice in the UK and served as a university lecturer in psychology. Lana’s lifelong passion in the field of human cognitive and emotional development would ultimately lead her to her own shamanic awakening, which she finally accepted in 2018. 

“Pain can close your heart… but it can also open it.” - Lana Rados



“I’ve never felt so much love. I felt seen, heard, validated, and supported while feeling the most vulnerable. This support, along with the insights from plant medicine, led to deep healing of trauma and core wounds. For this, I will be forever grateful.” - Melissa

“This experience has felt like 25 years of therapy in one day. Wow. I’m now spending more time in nature, deepening my breathwork practice, and finding so much joy in the little things. This is the best time of my life. Yes, there will still be challenges, but now I see the light and I want to continue to walk towards it.” – Majdi

Go beyond fear

GO BEYOND FEAR, go beyond your mind AND SAY ‘YES’ TO ONE-SELF.