1-Day 3M SOUL PSYCHEDELIC MEDICINE CEREMONY is a unique, powerful experience of non-dualistic meditation and PSyCHEDELIC medicine healing on all levels: physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual. With the compassionate guidance of our experienced master healer Ivan Rados, you can let go your controlling mind and consciously dive deep into your heart.
DEEP DIVE psychedelic medicine ceremony
This powerful medicine journey has the ability to heal and improve the lives of countless individuals, unlocking their intuition and providing profound insights and deep healing on mental, emotional, bodily and soul labels.
The potency of the medicine in combination with other healing modality is truly remarkable, as it stimulates the mind and enhances cognitive function, improves focus, concentration, and memory, making it invaluable for those seeking mental clarity, creativity and and mental healing.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this medicine is its ability to allow access to one’s intuition, a deep knowing or understanding that goes beyond logical reasoning. It allows access to the inner wisdom within us, providing insights and guidance that may not be accessible through other medicines. It enhances perception, insight, and advance a heightened state of awareness. It enhances sensory perception, allowing for a deeper connection with the inner self, the outer environment, and the people around us.
It melts the rigid barriers of the mind, allowing for an easier surrender, accaptance of the reality beyond our comprehension and deeper medicine experience when taken in combination with the forest and heart medicines.
Are you ready for one of the most transformative experiences of your life?
This intimate, semi-private guided ceremony is an opportunity to experience the combination of empathogenic, third-eye, and forest medicines together within the safe container of a ceremonial setting. By looking within rather than letting the mind distract you, you can open your heart and heal the parts of yourself that you may not have known even needed healing.
Witnessing is an essential part of meditation. Through witnessing you come to the meditative point where you can:
Ceremony At-a-Glance
Ceremony Intent Setting
The Middle Point Teachings
Non-Dualistic Meditation
Intronaut Breath
Psychedelic Medicine Journey
Integration in Psychotherapeutic Setting
Be Aware, Witness, Surrender into your Loving Heart and HEAL.
Location: Vancouver, B.C. Canada (exact address to be provided upon registration)
Time: 11 am to 9 pm
Exchange: $900 CAD (includes a $100 deposit to secure your spot)
*Seating is limited to small, semi-private groups for more individualized attention and healing
Upcoming Dates
Before journeying with the Spirit Medicine, your attentive energy will be split between anxiety and excitement. One is of the mind, and the other is of the heart. Ordinarily, anxiety will overshadow excitement, but make a conscious effort to keep excitement your priority. Go to your heart. Listen to it. Be it. Be aware in your heart. That way you are going to balance the duality and receive divine inspiration, guidance, blessings, and profound healing.
Be aware. Wherever you focus your energy, you are providing tremendous nourishment to the object you’re focusing upon.
Be aware also that excitement is not the goal of spiritual growth, but the portal to your feeling of am-ness. With that feeling, you will enter the world where ‘I am not’ and only Oneness Is, only Awareness and Love is, only Health and Well-Being.
Remind yourself to remember that you are gifted with the immense divine power in your heart - Love; Love for oneself, love for others, and love for the whole of existence; a divine gift of Conscious Awareness, and a divine gift of Life in the present moment of Now and Here.
Breathe this present moment with Loving Awareness; breathe with gratitude and compassion, creating a sense of a grounding experience that brings peace, freedom, joy and healing. Ultimately, trust in your own intuition; ground yourself in your loving heart, and listen to your attentive awareness. Remember. Awareness, Love and Gratitude is always present wherever you are.
Embrace the moment of Now and Here with intuitive excitement and allow it to guide you through this journey called Life. Also, remind yourself to remember to surrender to the process of being, with this Ivan Rados mantra - ALLOW, ACCEPT WITH GRATITUDE AND LET GO.
— Ivan Rados

“Everything comes from you, through you, and it’s all for you”
-Ivan Rados
In this ever-changing world, the great awakening is happening, and psychedelic medicine, together with meditation, grounded in awareness and compassion, is needed so much, it’s needed now more than ever, in the evolution of life and consciousness. That’s why psychedelic medicine has been preserved and kept secret for millennia, just to be revived at this time of great awakening.
Life is the pilgrimage to the truth of who we are. The awakening to that truth is already happening, it is already now and here. Can you hear the inner voice whispering to you to make a quantum leap into the unknown self? Can you feel the blessings of existence, the constant shower of love that is happening at every moment in your heart? Are you aware of it?
This is the invitation to make the quantum leap, and awake to your original, pure and divine Oneself with Ivan Rados and his 3M SOUL PSYCHEDELIC CEREMONY — Ivan Rados