Energy healing is a functional practice that uses universal life force energy to remove blockages in the body's energy systems. This practice is rooted in the principle that health is a natural consequence of energetic harmony —healthy is what we become when we remove that which obstructs us from being who we are. Intronaut’s head shaman, Ivan Rados, is a highly sought-after energy healer with a coveted private waitlist.


In order to understand how distance energy healing works, we must first understand that there is more to our reality than that which meets the eye. Many of us perceive reality in a 3D, physical way. In this reality, we exist in space as we move through time. Here, everything is created or destroyed by the classical laws of cause and effect, actions and reactions. 

In the quantum universe, however, time and space do not exist. There is no distance between "here" and "there," and therefore, no energy being sent or received. Energy healing can only be practiced in a non-linear way through manoeuvring consciousness. You do not have to be physically present to experience the benefits. You need only be present with your intent; holding consciousness through being a neutral witness in the "now."


With Ivan’s unique gifts of enhanced intuition and energy manipulation capabilities, he is able to tap into a unified field of information, which contains subtle, high-vibrational healing energies. Ivan then uses this energy to transform the non-coherent patterns of your biofield (the consciousness of your biology). In essence, this type of healing is conducted through an informational, non-local quantum transfer. This is, by definition, a very individualized form of healing (since every person is different and no pre-defined healing pattern can work on us equally).

Health is the natural result of simply being.

Just as health is grounded in being, this essence of who we are is itself grounded in a universal oneness I will call our One-Self. This One-Self is the divine essence of the cosmos that people often refer to as God. It is our true being, the divine love that birthed the universe.

As the source of everything that exists––and as the heart and core of our individual being––this One-Self knows nothing but well-being. This is because, as a oneness, there is no fracturing within the source. Rather, it is whole, or holy. The words “holy,” “holism,” “holistic” and “healing” all carry this root meaning.


“Today I have no pain whatsoever in any parts of my body that normally have pain. This experience was one of the best I have ever had, and I can’t wait to join again sometime! Thank you so much Ivan Rados for offering this healing to others. It was magical.”

—Mickayla Worsley

“Another significant healing journey with Ivan – thank you! Initially, I was touching the roots of a large tree in the forest followed by the vision of Ivan pulling out of my body a weed-like vine (like a morning glory vine) which involved undoing a significant knot. The experience ended with me slowly dancing around and touching the same tree that now I saw in its entirety. Afterward, I felt much lighter and was able to breathe more deeply.”

—Sveta Babic.