Visionary Consultant, A Greenprint for LIFE:

Global Peace & Sustainable Solutions Founder/Former Anchor: Cosmic Vision News

Masters, Peace Education: UN-mandated University

for Peace, Costa Rica

Bachelors, Radio & Television, Ryerson University

For almost 29 years, Geoffrey has been working on a vision for recreating and rebuilding communities to be healthy, clean, green and self-sustaining.  This vision is called A Greenprint4LIFE (G4L).

His lifetime pursuits, be they professional, personal and academic, have taken him on a path of going down so many of the ‘rabbit holes’ of truth that most have not dared to go down.  It has been this personal journey that started him on the path towards creating a meaningful solution for humanity and for our planet.

Geoff understands VERY WELL the problems that exist in our world right now; the people and entities that are responsible for these problems, and the spiritual reasons for why everything is happening the way it is right now, at this very auspicious time!  

Many indigenous and ancient cultures have told stories of a time when there would come a ‘great rebalancing’ on the Earth, leading to a return of the ‘Golden Age of Consciousness’.  We are now entering the ‘springtime’ of this new consciousness on the planet, as the darkness that has controlled humanity and our planet for so long, is now losing its power, as the frequencies, energies and vibrations of the planet shift to allow for a return of the Light.

What is the G4L?

In its simplest explanation, it is a foundational starting point for communities to use as a template, so they can customize the best solutions needed by that community based on a number of different criteria.  It is, perhaps arguably, the boldest, most honest, most accountable, most detailed, most flexible, most transparent and most solutions-oriented vision to be offered publicly at this time.


Why is a vision like the G4L necessary?


For most ‘awakened’ souls at this time, it is more than obvious that the current geopolitical and geoeconomic ‘solutions’ offered to the world have not been for humanity’s or the Gaia’s Highest Good.  Everything from national politics, religions, banking/economics, the legal/judicial systems worldwide, media, education, health and so many other so-called ‘trusted’ institutions in our world are beyond corrupt, and indeed it could be say that they are controlled by an intensely evil force.

Getting control of a national government, to implement a change such as the one advocated by the G4L would take a long time.  Starting at the community level – and creating a community that embraces the changes needed, while having the courage to stand up to the forces that will resist these kinds of changes, is what will set the example that will empower others to find the courage to join in creating a better planet!

One of the ways the G4L is unique is because the G4L understands why so many ‘utopian’ communities fail:  they have not taken into consideration the intense healing that people need to go through, to release all their baggage and traumas that they currently take into these communities.  The G4L has included elements that not only benefit the community overall, but also give potential residents access to various health modalities that will uniquely assist them in personal healing, and aiding them in fulfilling their LIFE-path purpose, while also making the community stronger!


One of the guiding quotes of the G4L;  “Don’t try to fix a broken system. Create a new one, that makes the old one obsolete.

How can it contribute to a ‘Conscious Leaders’ retreat?


The ‘globalists’ as I will call them for this discourse, have created a world where it has become very challenging for awakened, service-oriented people to network, unite and bring the new energies into stronger, global awareness.

There are so many people, in so many different positions, who genuinely want to make a difference, but they don’t know how, in a professional work environment that has actively been supporting a globalist agenda to keep humanity in DEBT, SICK, in FEAR and in SEPARATION from each other, as well as in SEPARATION from the Divine Creator/Source.


In collaboration with Ivan Rados, and his non-dualistic healing that he offers, this particular retreat not only offers influential leaders worldwide a chance to experience non-dualistic healing, but ALSO to become familiar with one possible way for creating the kinds of communities that they would like to live in, and raise their families in.

The retreat offers a chance to heal personally, while networking with other, genuine, caring leaders with a varied range of skills, abilities, aptitudes, knowledge and wisdom.  This combination can perhaps offer these conscious leaders new ways to consider how their skills can contribute to the visions/projects of others to find a way to make peaceful solutions more readily available to the general public.  This is necessary because – at least for now – people don’t seem to have much faith in ‘visionaries’, or they are too afraid to acknowledge it.  

Empowered and CONSCIOUS leaders however – sharing the same message – have the potential to shift the balance, and give more people the ‘food for thought’ that their souls may be looking for at this time!



The G4L acknowledges, with much gratitude, the recognition by Ivan of what the potential is for the G4L vision to manifest the kinds of communities that so many claim to want, but have no idea how to achieve.  The G4L’s purpose is to help with this manifestation in the most LIFE-honouring way possible!