SOUl healing
The English word ‘soul’ may have originated from Old English ‘sawol’, which has possible etymological links with an old German word ‘se(u)la’, which means: belonging to the sea or perhaps, “living water”.
The soul is the immortal essence of all beings, the innermost guide and true leader of our existence, an Infinite Universe squished in Human shape. The Soul is in all living things, an entire universe with a unified consciousness. Soul is non-dualistic, the vital, immaterial, eternal, immeasurable, connected with all other souls in the Infinite Universe.
THE beauty of the soul is expressed as compassion, and compassion is the extension of inner beauty, of Loving Awareness.
COMPASSIONATE LOVING SOUL for some people is simply impossibility This possibility can be actuality, or it may not be. For the possibility to be actuality, one has to dive deep within, consciously achieving it.
Cruelty, savagery, inhumanity, barbarism, and murderousness, is a by-product of inner ugliness, sarcastic, psychopathic, and sociopathic tendency of the mind, so there is no soul, and no spirit there. To get the soul you will have to drop your mind, open your heart and do something consciously about it, because only through witnessing consciousness and loving, compassionate heart you will come to spirit and soul will grows.
This is how it goes on. The man who knows who he is, he is absolutely unconcerned with what people think and say about him, He is out of the psychological slavery of the society, out of moral obligation and duty of unconscious social crowd mentality, He is free individual and his soul is born in him.
The Spirit is not the Soul, but is a very active part of it. Intuition is its essence, giving us guidance which is usually denied and ridiculed by our socially restricted, egotistic rational mind.
The Spirit can be seen as a holographic projection of the Soul, like the bridge between our body and the soul. The more you trust your intuition the more you are ‘In Spirit’ and closer to your Soul.
Sometimes we experience grief, stress, illness or other challenges in life, and we continue living our lives fully. If, however, the experience we go through is traumatic, intense and overwhelming, our system can not cope with it and it activates a self defence mechanism. The main mechanism for survival is fragmentation of reality. When experiencing trauma, any experience that is overwhelming for the organism, our brain switches into a survival mode. The part that is responsible for thinking shuts down and the oldest part of our brain, the survival brain, takes over to prepare the body for either fight, flight or freeze response. Human beings usually freeze in the traumatic experience. Actually, our bodies freeze, but our minds “flee”.
This is a fragmentation at a basic level: body-mind. As the thinking capacity is reduced due to the shut down of the “thinking brain,” the person experiencing trauma is unable to process the experience, so the raw “material” of the trauma gets “swallowed” whole and stored in every cell of our body, guarded carefully by the neurological pathways in the brain that keep it disconnected from the person’s awareness. As the pathways in the brain are formed to avoid awareness, in order not to get flooded with the traumatic experience, the person ends up feeling deadened and numb, not really present most of the time. This is a very uncomfortable experience, as the person feels empty and isolated – disconnected from themselves and consequently everything and everyone else as well. This is an exhausting process, being on guard all the time. In addition, when somebody is detached from their body, they are unable to recognize their own limits and they have tendency to push their bodies so hard that they end up with chronic exhaustion and being prone to get physically sick, often suffering auto-immune diseases. If the trauma was very severe, however, such an exhausting process cannot go forever.
Eventually, the defences weaken, so the person becomes flooded, feeling traumatized, experiencing flash-backs of the trauma, feeling overwhelmed with pain, fear, loss, guilt, and so on. At this stage the person feels almost totally out of control, usually becomes hypersensitive, hyper alert, and even suicidal. In order to survive, the brain switches the defences back on, so the person swings back into the numb state and so the process continues. The person keeps swinging from being detached, dissociated, and numb to feeling flooded and overwhelmed, never stopping in the middle. They have no ability to just be present and aware. Being able to be present and fully aware both of the external environment and the internal process is the state of emotional health. A healthy person can tolerate mild to moderate distress without becoming either numb or flooded. Some people spend most of their life being deadened and some “prefer” being overwhelmed, but most severely traumatized people keep swinging.
Not all traumas consist of one single, severe incident. The impact of frequently repeated, minor emotional injuries in childhood can accumulate and have the effect of a major trauma. One particle of sand upon another, upon another and a dune is created. Children whose emotional needs for love, affection, affirmation, approval, encouragement, support etc are chronically not being met by their primary caregivers, will dissociate and numb the pain in order to survive emotionally. However, the fragmented part of the soul becomes attached to certain traumatic and painful situations or experiences, or similarly becomes attached to people involved in those experiences and it remains stuck there. Any form of trauma, such as personal tragedy, serious illness, early separations and intense crisis may break up the soul, leaving people with a sense that they are “not quite well and not complete”. The attached fragment of the soul-consciousness is free to resonate with other beings, to go and be incarnated elsewhere and travel to other realities, other parallel universes, never coming back home. We can disassociate ourselves from that aspect, never remembering the cause of our uncomfortable, fragmented self.
The pain from the traumatic experience, in which our fragmented soul was separated, can leave us feeling permanently incomplete, resulting in mental and emotional disorders. These include the loss of physical vitality which leads towards a physical illness. That missing part of our consciousness is part of the whole and consciousness will never be at peace until it becomes whole again. So you are unconsciously creating similar situations, attaching yourself to that trauma of separation, unconsciously hoping that that situation will attract the missing part, or that this time you will be able to master and change the situation, so that the outcome will be different and your missing part will be retrieved. Most often we just become more entangled, and less aware. People who were abused as children may often enter relationships with abusers. Those who were made to feel inferior and worthless as children often marry partners who put them down, and so on. This phenomenon of recreating the traumatic and painful experiences has been known in psychology for over 100 years. Sigmund Freud named it “repetition compulsion.” Psychologists tend not to talk about soul. They haven’t quite discovered it yet, well, at least not officially.
Lost soul consciousness robs the victim of vital life energies, talents, and abilities that might otherwise serve the individual well in this lifetime. In other words, fragmented consciousness is systematically stripping away your life-energy, and abilities to express your excitement, that give life meaning and pleasure.
You have to take a journey into non-ordinary reality to find the missing soul fragment. With meditation, you can carefully negotiate with the missing soul fragment or orchestrate the fragment’s safe return, and reintegrate it into the conscious whole. You have to take the step into your multidimensional reality and see yourself interconnected with the Infinite Universe. Nothing exists which is isolated from the greater whole. Because of the tortured nature of the fragmented soul consciousness you have to look at the severity of the trauma, the probability of successful integration if the fragment is returned, and whether the fragment is willing to be returned. You cannot force it or capture the fragment. Your intention and love for that piece will be taken seriously by it. Remember, this soul fragment is still a self-aware aspect of the original host, just as it is with a hologram. Reintegration can be a very emotional experience, often you have to relive the period of mental and emotional pain or trauma and separation after the soul fragment has been returned. To avoid causing unnecessary trauma throughout the process, soul retrieval meditation needs to be repeated more than once.
During Soul retrieval you might uncover the circumstances surrounding the departure. You may not be aware of the original reasons, particularly if you have mentally blocked out that portion of your life, such as trauma of sexual, physical, or mental abuse.
Once a reintegration of soul parts takes place and integration is complete, you will very likely adopt a new attitude and more healthy behaviour patterns. You will experience new awakening on of your being.
A list of the most common signs of fragmented and lost soul
1. Do you generally have a difficult time staying “present” in your body? Do you often feel detached or disconnected from your body?
2. Do you find it difficult to spend quiet time alone without external distraction around you?
3. Do you often feel numb and deadened or perhaps swing from feeling numb to feeling overwhelmed and flooded with feelings and sensations?
4. Do you suffer from chronic depression?5. Do you often get physically sick, without a major cause of illness? 6. Were you chronically ill as a child?
7. Do you have gaps in the memory of your childhood? Do you sense that you have “blacked out” significant time periods in your life?
8. Do you struggle with addictions to alcohol, food, drugs, sex, working, shopping, gambling, internet etc.?
9. Are your relationships obsessive and addictive?
10. Do you have problems with intimacy?
11. Do you find yourself desperately looking to external “things” to fill up an internal void or emptiness?
12. Do you suffer from dissociative identity disorder?
MEDITATION - Soul Retrieval
Close your eyes. Take a deep, deep breath and visualize light passing through your crown chakra, going through your body and descending into the earth. The light is forming a light-anchor and its hook is firmly holding you and grounding you.
Looking inside, with your eyes closed, see the darkness, nothingness. In that nothingness imagine a bright, bright light, like a star. That star is the very core of your existence. Be that star, breath with that star; know that star. It is you, your consciousness. The Star is starting to pulsate, spreading the flames of light like the storms of the sun. Pulsate with the star, being aware of your rhythmic, slow breathing. With every breath feel the flame of the light expanding to your head, arms, legs, every part of your body, filling every cell, every molecule, every atom. Let the light expand outward, into the aura, into the space that surrounds you. You are the Light, breathing and feeding the flame.
Now, imagine stellar firework, the beginning of the Universe. You are the Primary Creator filling the empty space, giving birth to the Universe with the infinite number of galaxies, stars, planets, and life forms. Everything is consciousness in different forms and shapes and you are connected to everything, because everything comes from the source. The source is you.
You can start scanning yourself, observing every part of you, examining every place that seems inharmonious or empty. You might open some aspect of your memory, some major points of change, maybe you have lost or left a part of you somewhere or it might have been stolen or borrowed by somebody else. Is that the part of you that is missing? Where is that part now? You are going to find it and bring it back! Is it in the past, is it around now, where did you last have it, does somebody else have it, is it hiding? The missing part is still there where you left it or lost it. You probably gave it to another person that you had a painful separation from or a person that knowingly or unknowingly traumatized you in some other way. Perhaps it is still with that person. It can be in any parallel dimension. Use your intuition, just guess. Call out to this missing part of your being, to come home. It may be very close to you, or very far away. This part can hear your call, it knows you, and it is you. The fragmented part will come to you. Very often the part will come to you in the form of imagery or it will quietly whisper. Be patient and open to hear what that missing part has to say to you. It might show you the situation when it departed and you might have to relive that situation, to experience it once more, but now with full awareness. You may need to get into communication with this part asking it for some information. Say hello to it. It will often appear to have a complete life of its own, or another version of your life, maybe another life time. You can exchange information and good wishes. Ask the missing part if it is willing to come back to you. There are reasons for it being there, away from the rest of you. Usually some kind of negotiation is necessary or something needs to change before joining together again. Ask it what it is that you would have to change for it to come back. Are you willing to do that? What the fragmented part will suggest will generally be positive and valid. It could be “to be more caring towards yourself,” “to have more self-compassion,” or “to start accepting and loving yourself,” or something similar, something that involves your growth.
If the fragmented part is ready for re-integration, let it know how glad you are to have it back and that you will take good care of it. be grateful for its willingness to come back home. Reach out your arms and give it a hug and take it into your body. How does it feel to have this part of you back? The wounds can be healed now. It is important to keep the promise and honour this part or it may leave again. Maybe you need to talk to it on a regular basis. Take time with this Meditative visualization. You might need to continue this re-integration process over the coming days, weeks or even months. Be patient. Take a deep breath and visualize a white-golden light being applied to the area of integration. Visualize the light-anchor coming from the earth to your heart and remaining with you.
Take a deep, deep breath and imagine a stellar firework implosion. You are the Primary Creator and you can call everything you created in the beginning of this meditative visualization back to you. Everything is consciousness in different forms and shapes and you are connected to everything, because everything comes from the source, and everything comes back to the source. The source is you.
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