The direct Psychedelic experience of the truth
The direct Psychedelic experience of the truth is a direct experience of your psyche, of your innermost soul. That experience of the truth is pure samadhi.
The word Psychedelic refers to the experience of the soul and expansion of consciousness. The psychedelic experience allows for the distinctive and clear perception of the eternal aspect of your consciousness in relation with your loving, universal soul.
The word psychedelic comes from ancient Greek, meaning a soul that becomes visible or manifested of one consciousness. It also refers to an empty mind, or a mind without thoughts, which we call a no-mind.
The mind is not the psyche, so words like psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry etc. are actually defined as the science of the soul, but because everything in this world is reversed, psychology then becomes the science of the mind. The mind logically studying the mind.
What is the mind? The mind is a compensation or replacement for a lack of consciousness. The mind is not the soul, and so naturally the mind cannot be conscious.
What is consciousness?
Consciousness is what the mind is not. The mind refers to a process of thinking, and thinking is activity. When the thinking activity of the mind has totally come to a halt, when the mind becomes empty, there is consciousness manifesting itself in its fullness as the psychedelic Universe. Universe meaning Uni, One in oneness.
If the mind is thinking, consciousness is sleeping; if the mind is empty, with no thinking activity, then consciousness is awake and free.
The empty mind is the medium, an instrument, or a way for consciousness to be conscious of oneself and the oneness of all that is. When the mind becomes involved in thinking activities of its own ego, it becomes the master and consciousness becomes a slave.
The mind is like a servant who has toppled, dispelled, and seized the power of consciousness, annexing and stealing the infinite creative energy of the universal soul. Detach your consciousness from the mind, and the arrogant possessor, the illusionary mind simply drops itself, drops its thinking activities, and becomes a flowing, receptive, and open no-mind. Only through the empty mind does consciousness become conscious of itself, and the psyche becomes alive and visible.
The mind is not able to accept the soul because if it did, the mind as thinking activity would not be able to exist at all.
Psychology denies the existence of the non-physical soul, it only accepts the physical body and its mechanical byproduct, the thinking ego-mind. The mind life is based on the physical and is grounded in a finite reality. The thinking mind is not based on eternal principles of non-physical, or spiritual reality of consciousness. The body was born and the body will die, together with the mind, but consciousness lives forever in different forms, shapes and states.
The mind is either in the past or in the future. The mind cannot be in the present moment of Now. When you are in the present moment, the mind simply stops functioning, it stops thinking, therefore it stops possessing, using and controlling the consciousness. The mind cannot think in the present moment of Now. You can think about the past or you can dream about the future, but you cannot think about Now.
This present moment of Now contains no space, and there is no time ticking between thoughts, making unconscious movement.
The mind is a social creation made for a particular reason, alienation with oneself. Without consciousness you become an obedient machine, a robot without soul. The mind can see the dullness of this world, but it cannot see the psychedelic existence as it is. For the conscious to be free, to see and experience the real, the true reality as it is, it has to detach itself from the mind’s mechanical and habitual thinking activities. The psychedelic experience can provide that access, a direct acounter with the real, with what is.
The child before the age of three lives in a totally different world, the mysterious world of the psychedelic reality of the Universe. The life of a child before the age of three is full of vibrant psychedelic, fractal, holographic colours and experiences. The child’s consciousness is open and free to experience the beauty and potentiality of the universal soul.
The psychedelic experience does not happen out in the world, it happens in you, in your psyche, inside your own colourful soul, full of wonder, joy and excitement.
The psychedelic reality has no barriers, no obstacles and no restrictions, everything is possible. When your inner eye is clean, when the conscious mirror is empty, reflecting nothing, no mind, no ego, no thoughts, no repressions, no assumptions, no beliefs, no desires or expectations fogging the conscious mirror, the reality of the universal soul becomes visible and it become manifested in consciousness as it is, the psychedelic One Universe.
We all live in psychedelic existence, but people are blind. Everything is vibrating in psychedelic colours, but nobody is looking, nobody is paying conscious attention. Look around. People are talking to themselves, they exist in the mind, completely unaware of the existence of the psyche and its infinite potentials, its eternal psychedelic nature. If people become aware, they will become one, in oneness, with all that is.
The psychedelic experience through psychedelic medicine can provide the direct experience of the One Self and the oneness of the wholeness. The power of psychedelic medicine can provide direct access to the psyche by bypassing the rigid, dominating and controlling mind, and it can give the freedom of consciousness to experience the truth directly.
Everything in the mind is a mirage, like a colourful psychedelic rainbow. The closer you come to the rainbow it starts vanishing, and eventually becomes nothing more than a mist in your head. All the colours of a rainbow are alive and vibrant from a distance, from far away, but from directly under the rainbow, all the magic of the colours are gone.
Psychedelic medicine and the experience of it can be so profound and enriching that you can become one with the rainbow, one with the rivers, mountain stars, people…, one with the whole of existence, one with the one universe, one with the oneness. The psychedelic experience can take you to great heights, to great expansion, and ultimate freedom.
In Awareness every experience can become real, true, and tremendously colourful. It can be so profoundly beautiful and deeply psychedelic. Without awareness everything becomes dull, unreal, and life disappears, like being under the rainbow.
In the psychedelic experience you can become more sensitive, more aware of many things of which you have not been aware of previously. Everything becomes so intense because the mind is no longer fighting, suppressing or possessing your consciousness. The psychedelic medicine can move you from the head to the heart, where you become so intoxicated with the divine rapture. I could freely say that, once you tasted the psychedelic medicine and have a profound, direct experience of the truth, of your eternal psyche, of your loving heart and your full consciousness, you become one with the whole. Once you have tasted the psychedelic medicine, you tested the pure samadhi.
Life after a psychedelic experience cannot be the same. Life becomes egoless, colourful, and full of psychedelic adventure, flowing from the unrestrained conscious heart in all directions. And things start changing themselves. The whole of existence starts pouring its energy into you, just because you have come to this inner understanding, the egoless state of truthful being. Then the grass becomes greener, and the sun shines brighter.
Ivan Rados