— Zen

When I discovered Intronaut, and after speaking with Dr. Nick over the phone and registering for the ceremony, I shared it with an old friend, who immediately signed himself up. This is a friend who has had challenges throughout his life, and he had the courage to sign himself up, and to follow through on the journey. I went to pick him up after to give him a ride home, and while he was a bit all over the place(to me this is 100% understandable) when we got to his house, he had the first real smile on his face I’d seen since I met him roughly 20 years ago. I’ve heard him laugh, but it was the first truly heart connected smile I had ever seen on his face. For this I am deeply grateful to Intronaut for their courage to offer this kind of safe space to help others.

What I have experienced post is that everything is easier and more manageable day to day. What I mean by this, is that things I do don’t bother me at all, even when there is a lot to do, it gets done, and I don’t attach a negative or positive feeling to anything, I only attach gratitude for the lessons daily. For me this is powerful, as at many time throughout my life I had attached both expectations on myself and others during busier times rather than just let the times be as they may and make my way through them with joy, not to mention give myself time to breath afterwards, and give myself the opportunity to relax every once in a while. This was also great because I had created a longer term pattern by working 6 days a week in Hong Kong from 2005-2014, and I had never removed myself from that space as I moved back to Canada, and life is far more enjoyable since.

I’ve also become far kinder to myself, and this is a loving practice I have set forth a couple of year ago, however the walls in the way are gone and makes this practice far easier. Love to me is a skill, not an emotion, and I know that if I’m broke love-wise, it will be a challenge to give it to others. This experience gave me to opportunity to blow the walls down, and love myself wholy and unconditionally and that in turn has made everything SO much easier.


I am grateful for Intronaut, and the experience they offer. It is of tremendous value, Ivan while Lana and Dr. Nick call him the Maestro, but they are definitely a trio that cohesively offer so much of themselves to this journey to its participants.
I’d like to be clear, I showed up, I did the work, I took the medicine, I did the journey, and the work that went along with it.
Ivan, Lana and Dr. Nick do not profess to do it for you either, in fact Ivan said we are here to help you walk you through your journey, to heal yourself, because its up to me, not them if I want to grow out of old patterns, traumas etc. They can only be a loving soundboard or be there to normalize the journey no matter what it looks like or how long it takes.

For me, I plan on going back. The respect they have to everyone going into and coming out of each session is something that is rare, it does exist in many places however not in this particular form anywhere in the Greater Vancouver area. It is professional, loving and safe.

Before I close I’d like to extend deep thanks to the Angels on my journey, Bob, Christina, Hamza and Julianne.

Thank you Intronaut Team.



— Sonya


— Julianne