Sheena Witter
When life gifts you invitations and experiences that allow you to truly see that "Everything is from you, through you, and for you" (as Ivan says), healing and transformation are inevitable - if you can courageously show up with all parts of yourself. That's the hard part.
Ivan, Lana, and the Intronaut team create magical ceremonial space on every level of being (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) that allows you to sink into yourself, be held in community, and be fully welcomed precisely as you are.
My life's work and passion are facilitating the understanding and integration of personal and collective shadow, creating a magical life, and alchemy of the soul. Being in the world of healing and used to facilitating transformation, I have witnessed the damage that can happen when there is a lack of care, attention, and authenticity. I have a tough time surrendering to receiving healing and support myself - even though I know how vital it is to the journey.
Ivan and Lana hold a clear space and presence and offer their gifts with loving boundaries. Through Ivan's non-dualistic teachings, Lana's beautiful insights into the human heart and psyche and Family Constellation work, the masterfully led medicine journeys and shamanic healing, or just the healing that happens witnessing two people who deeply love and support each other in their gifts and work; it is a balm for the soul and an invitation to step into your highest potential.
The resources Ivan and Lana provide and the whole Intronaut team's expertise make you feel supported and held in your experience. From the Intake form (which you will learn so much about yourself from just by filling it out!) to post-ceremony integration (including the free monthly integration calls they offer everyone, even if you haven't worked with them!), you feel their deepest level of care and integrity.
When your soul calls you to this work, will you say yes?
When the email from the Sentinel (A resort I'd stayed at a year previous) arrived in my inbox advertising a Magical Witnessing Retreat, I clicked through, saw a picture of Ivan and Lana, and signed up. It was such a big soul, yes, and I felt a need to go into it completely open. No research, no looking into what it was or what we would be doing. This is very unlike me. I was at a place personally and professionally where many cycles were ending. I had recently separated from many of the communities I had been instrumental in creating. I lost two significant women in my life. I was tapped out and mourning many losses. On the intake form, it asked about your intention for the retreat. I said," To be held in community" Looking back, I don't think I even fully realized what I was asking for, but that is part of the magic. What I can say about these retreats is they will give you exactly the medicine you most need, and that will be different for each of us. If you are open to receiving it, it will transform your life. I was able to access a deeper level of the heart than I ever have before, I left with friendships and community, and I felt true community support from the team, and fellow participants like I have never experienced. When my partner picked me up, I said I would have gladly paid 10x the price, and I said this was the beginning of something that will change our lives...
I didn't realize how soon! Everything syncronistically and magically came together, so I could attend the Wilderness retreat only a month later, traveling part of the way with one of my soul sisters I met at the Sentinel. Where the Sentinel gifted me true soul community, the Wilderness retreat gifted me true soul family. I could access deep soul healing on a level I would have never been able to get to on my own. Being held by the sacred beautiful land that Ivan and Lana have cultivated, by the medicine and ceremony, by our angels, and by each other provided an opportunity to witness and love myself in a whole new way. It offered me space to process and grieve all the endings I was experiencing, process and release massive karmic weight and lifetimes of trauma - in an environment filled with joy and fun. Deep work. Deep relaxation. Deep healing. It was one of those rare meetings of hearts and souls where no one wanted it to end, many hugs, tears, multiple times of saying just one more thing before leaving, and knowing that with these beautiful souls, the journey was only beginning. I genuinely love, respect, and admire everyone who was there, their fierce dedication to healing and being a light in their respective worlds and the magic we are now creating together.
Coming home again, I tried to put the impossible into words, to share the magic and transformation with my husband. I mostly failed! But he saw the transformation within me - the lightness of being, the changes in my sleep, energy levels, enthusiasm, and shifts in my client work. How I was so much more demonstrative in my love was one of my most significant shifts. I've always known and loved on a mind level, but I've always had a hard time having an embodied feeling of love; I didn't realize I was missing that until these experiences. The depths of love available to me to feel and share now is one of the most important shifts and gifts from doing this work. I'm forever grateful for my husband's trust in me - while this is the core of my life's work - spirituality, alchemy, shadow integration, shamanism, and medicine, everything was new to him. He supported me unconditionally but what I did was always separate. Finally, we realized that keeping things separate wasn't an option anymore.
As magic tends to follow intention, it worked out that Ivan and Lana were able to join us on our 9th anniversary for a private couples' ceremony. My mind still boggles at how everything lined up so perfectly. This is the most profound experience either of us has ever had. Ivan didn't hold back in naming and calling attention to the patterns that kept us stuck. Their focused attention, wisdom, and healing unlocked so much for us. So much was released, and so many miracles are still unfolding as we integrate. It was a complete reset and renewal for us (which was our intention). Life feels like it is just starting again. I have my husband back at a soul level, fully embodied. Some unresolved, unconscious trauma patterns that were keeping us both stuck are gone. Now we are both fully free and unleashed, able to be our highest expressions of ourselves, both individually and in partnership.
I can't thank you enough, Ivan and Lana, for showing me how to truly love and live from the heart.
Sheena Witter