• the teachings

• therapy, breathwork

• shamanic work

• integration

How did it (they) work for you?

Preamble (This section can be skipped for my answers to the above 4 points. I’m setting their context using my meta-consciousness of my experience.)

Now I arrive at the both the simplest and most difficult of answers among the three questions. I beg you to indulge me your attention and any feedback of what I say here or said at Loon Lake. After all, each of us have blind-spots that can hold us back from our potential and a loving brother (or sister) would gently point them out.

I try not to use glibly the word teach. I instruct for a living which is different from ‘teaching’. Instructing is simply giving step-by-step direction to a group who should all arrive at the same outcome. Teaching, on the other hand and if it is done well, uses much more than directing as a strategy. It does not simply follow a step-by-step plan. It does follow a strategy that can be change within the dynamics group interaction. Teaching accommodates among other strategies sharing among a group. Moreover, teaching allows for a wider range of both intentional and unintentional outcomes. While teaching should offer an outcome, it seen more as a guiding process rather than directing. The most important principle in teaching a group, especially adults with substantial life experiences, is it must accommodate a diverse set of world views and the experiences that informs it.

In Ivan Rados WILD ZEN setting, it was able to accommodate so many world views among the group. These world views are as unique as a snowflake that are shaped by culture, family, language, space, institutions, experiences, and perhaps the ‘unsensed’ spirit realm as I infer from Ivan’s teaching. Similarly, two people who come from the identical set social influences enumerated above may respond quite differently from their identical world view.

Teaching is something I try to do both practically and spiritually in my all my different kinds of relationships. I try to fit the lesson or topic discussed within a wider framework such as humanity, spirituality, and our global environment. For me, teaching uses primarily my mind which Ivan has taughtus to not allow it to be the master. This principle is not new to me. There is also teaching from the heart in which I doubt mine does well. I must stress here that I also teach with my heart because sitting in the seat of authority, I am aware of the pupil’s expectations that I must bear them. Authority should always begin and end with love and never be self-serving. Authority is seated on wisdom that cannot always be explained nor understood unless one is conscious of their experience. There are many wonderful spiritual leaders who have taught us this.

I believe Ivan can be counted among them. I saw his face when I aroused prematurely from my second journey as he paced about the Maloka wondering what happened to one of our brothers. He had to wear the mantle of authority and seek within himself a different kind of wisdom to deliver our brother’s safety. He journeyed through his mind, heart and soul while he traversed the mountainside through the evening but he stayed primarily in his heart.

Throughout the weekend with Ivan, I could feel and hear that he was teaching from his heart which I’m sure everyone did. His passion and earnest hold out promise to us that if we seek inward rather than outward we will find exactly for what we were looking. With this inward focus, I arrive at my summary of the experience. While I enjoyed and was informed primarily by my first medicine journey, I heeded Ivan’s teaching. The medicine journey is not the sole answer. It’s not the magic bullet. For us to become enamoured by its powerful expereince is simply another form of escapism. I’m not saying escapism is a bad response to life. All humans need to escape occasionally. It’s just a waste of a life to seek constantly relief from your own life and ignore the wisdom offered by our heartfelt pain, frustration and suffering. Our hearts are trying to tell each of us something and we must be shown gratitude.

To seek healing through the medicine only is like getting a troublesome car started with a boost, a spray of eather or a jiggle of some automotive wire. Without doing the work keeping the car running such as diagnosis, replacing a part here and there, or simply taking it to a mechanic, the car will simply ‘die’ again. (Now, I would like to take my life into a life mechanic and say, “Fix it!”, but there isn’t a life mechanic last time I checked. But, this is why we form relationships and connection. They help inform us toward a happy life.)Teachings

The following are my black-white points of Ivan’s teaching:

• Owing and loving your ‘shit’

This is where the retreat began. Embracing this task permits us to claim our power and move us toward exactly where we need to go.

• Power begins and ends with taking responsibility for your shit.

Even when your shit was given to you by somebody else, it’s still your shit. The beauty in owing it, is you can look at it again and choose to hang onto it or let it go. This includes the shit your spouse, brother, sister, boss, friend or some stranger who you met for 10 seconds and will never see again.

• Power is neither positive or negative; rather it resides in the middle somewhere between the two.

This one I do not understand nor can feel. My power unfortunately is intertwined with my anger which is not a good emotion to constantly accompany me through life.

• Breathing is the power of now

Next to the medicine, this was a powerful experience. I believe I ended up with the same affect/effect as the medicine. I emptied myself which I alluded in an earlier posting was probably the theme of my retreat.

• I was enamoured by what I may have heard or misheard Ivan’s use of the word ‘fractal’

This led me to research it . While Ivan didn’t expand on it, I believe why this word is so pivotal for me. If I were to surmise it’s importance, then a fractal complexity can overwhelm the ego (mind) but not the heart.

The following points were gratefully received from Joel who took notes from Ivan Rados and heard by me during our sessions with Ivan.

• Embarrassment is ego-influencing.

• What is unconscious to me is conscious to others. This can be a pivot of manipulation of me.

• Love equates to self-awareness

• The mind performs the following tasks well: Designate - Indicate - Communicate - Create

• The mind is poorly adapted to loving.

• Love is the ultimate acceptance of self and others

• My thoughts are not me

• My feelings are not me

• My experiences are not me

• Do not define yourself through your mind

• There are so many managers for the mind; be aware of your manager.

• The mind is actually an illusion. There is no mind; there is only thought.

• The mind is like a tube through which flow thoughts

• The tube is also the connection between me and the divine. I allow whether to permit thoughts to flow through or other phenomena.

• Emotions are an interpretation of the mind

• Emotions come from the mind and your heart reacts by feeling them.

Just the few phrases are departures from other teachings offered by Eckhart Tolle, Sam Harris, Dr Gabor Mate to name a few people I have read and intently heard through podcast. I think one gap I at the center of my radar which wasn’t address is the practice of accountability to myself and my relationships, both intimate and arm’s length. There are now more questions than answers but at least now the questions feel different and worthy of seeking answers.

For right now, I believe I am called to empty myself. I don’t have to pick and choose what to empty. I simply need to breath with focus and let out the boulders so that room can be made in my heart for more empowering feelings and impetus in my life. The ultimate goal which was unrealistic in the first place was to heal from the profound hurt of not being loved by the woman who has been beside me for 40 years. However, I believe the retreat has provided me enough tools to use daily toward that healing, no matter how long it takes.



Essentially, I am a man to whom the world has bestowed without merit great privileges. I live in a part of the world that is free of war, offers material abundance and vast accessible lands to ponder my relationship with them. In my home country, I can move about freely without fear of attack or starvation to explore myself in a space that is both mine and not mine. In and from it, I can ingest powerful and natural substances that can alter my state of consciousness to explore my inner world which offers a landscape far more varied, infinitely mysterious and abundant than that of the world outside of me.

Regardless where my consciousness resides whether inward or outward, wherever I go, there I am. In that very moment, I can chose to identify with or disassociate from the place I am in because, after all, I am with me – a place called home which accompanies me wherever I go. What remains for me now, is to expand my conscious beyond knowing that I am home to feeling I am at home. Home is always a feeling, not a place. To me, home has always represented peace, love and belonging. It is through my heart, I allow myself to be worthy of feeling at peace with myself and the world around me. I will be vigilant of feeling grateful and fulfilled that I am where I belong — I am with me who loves himself as a precious gift and does not measure himself as to what and whom the precious gift provides utility or manifests outside of me. I am enough. I need no more or no less than me. If this is a novel revelation, then it has changed my life. However, the real change is realizing that I have much work remaining. I have to continually empty myself of all the encumbrances to self-love and inner-peace that have been placed in my heart by my fearful ego who has been the master for over 60 years. In fact after my first inward journey under the power of the medicine, I saw the space in my heart that holds these encumbrances as jam-packed and sometimes monstrously big boulders in my heart that offered no room for love or consciousness. Now I have to do the work through breathing to painstakingly remove all encumbrances no matter their number or how attached I am to each one. They must go! That was the theme of my retreat — EMPTY THYSELF!

Ultimately, I was disappointed that I wasn’t delivered into ‘heaven’ . I only got a glimpse of it after the medicine. However, I realized that this expectation of deliverance can’t be accommodated by the plan of healing. The comfort is accepting that my condition is the human condition. Where I arrived at the retreat is a result of years of not being fully conscious which is an affliction that all humans suffer from time to time or simply all the time. The plan of healing is emptying myself as arduous as this task seems it is equally necessary and sufficient. In another sense of measure, the retreat has not changed my life. I am still living in Saskatoon, divorced, working at the same job, no richer or poorer, healthy despite smoking, a father and a grandfather.

These characteristics are some of what I consider substantial points of momentum to my life. They are manifestations of a part of my identity. So, my life remains the same which is a good thing. I believe I would be completely disoriented if all the sudden any of the circumstances were to flip on me then I may make a different set of choices moving forward and therefore be left to wonder, “Who am I?” In another sense though, the answer to that question doesn’t matter if I am finally at home with myself or become fully enlightened but that is another journey. However, it is a scary realization when one of your momentums ceases to be. My divorce which has brought me to toward the medicine and thus awakening was scary. So was the journey with the medicine. I became a stranger to myself and in the world when I realized that I am no longer with the woman whom I thought I loved. That too is another journey.

The critical perspective in answering the question against the above criteria is do I want toremain living in Saskatoon, divorced, working at the same job, and how and what would Ed manifest in this change. Ultimately, what lays ahead in my outer life is not in my control. I can control my awareness in any given moment and listen to what my heart tells me. What would be mind-blowingly cool would be at home within myself while allowing myself movement through the abundances of wonderful and awe-inspiring experiences this world can offer.


Just wanted to express my gratitude.

Hello Ivan,

Just wanted to express my gratitude to you all! It was a beautiful, powerful event and am so glad i was there and felt everyones energy. I found it to be very indigenous in nature. I felt like i was in a tribal camp with my people working through all layers of discomfort within.

So Brave for all involved!!

All warriors healing there wounds!

Lots of angels in room!! Wow!!

It’s day one after, i. Crying my eyes out and having trouble seeing what im trying to write.

Thank you so much for hitting me with your tuning forks. They were large and powerful and effective!

I woke up this morning with no shoulder pain. Been a long time since i have felt no shoulder pain. Wow again!

I felt the vibration deep inside!!

Liver shit right?

So many beautiful sisters, brothers, kindred spirits on the path of enlightenment!

Felt alot of peoples pain and that is so so so special!!! Everyones pain is my pain and i can feel it! Everyones love is my love and i also feel it !!

Day 1 and lots of processing to do still!

Havent found my face yet! So many identities within!

What pair of shoes am i gonna wear, what hat am i gonna wear, who am i gonna be today?

Spirit!!! Throw out the identities and come home to spirit!

Ivan, Lana Dr Nick all angels and fellow peeps i am Grateful to all!

cant wait to witness tomorrow and rest of week to see what appears!!

Hope i can figure out zoom to participate in follow up!!

Blessings to all!!

On another note my hands were so so activated fom breath work! Wow again!

Can you please send me info on zen wilderness schedule. I would love to partake!!

Have an awesome evening!!

Just wanted to express my gratitude.

Hello Ivan,

Thank you for introduction to a deep self-discovery session. I want to believe it changed me and so far it seems it has. I want to thank you all immensely for facilitating and chaperoning this amazing journey. I wish I were a poet to capture it all. Mere words would never do justice. I look forward to many more interactions and another journey. I guess I still need to experience passive tranquility.

Love and Regards,

Wishing you and your loved ones good health and contentment in these challenging times.

—Satwinder Singh, P.Eng, LEED AP BD+C, … Principal - TAG Engineering

I am so thankful

I am so thankful to have gone through such an uplifting and life-altering experience with Intronaut. This spiritual ceremony radically shifted my perception of how I show up in this world, and as I result, I feel more centered, grounded, and filled with immense happiness which I know is and will continue to generate a lasting impact on every area of my life. I look forward to continuing this journey through additional practices available at Intronaut. I highly recommend this experience and have already shared this with many friends.

I am happy to make a quick video and will share this with you soon.

— Ven Virah

Award-Winning Inspirational Speaker, Certified World Class Speaking Coach, Charismatic Conference Emcee, eSpeakers Profile, Canadian Association of Professional Speakers [CAPS], Global Speakers Federation [GSF]

Wild Zen with Ivan is an experience I will always treasure

Three days in the wilds of British Columbia focused on me. It was the perfect next step for me in my personal development journey. I embraced the Wild Zen adventure with Ivan Rados with truly clear intentions. And it more than delivered.

These days there are many that claim to be shamans, helping seekers to discover the truth and transform their lives. Ivan has spent over 30 years working at his craft and has written and published 8 books along the way. His depth of experience, love and devotion to his work were readily evident in the preparation and care he took in guiding me in my journey.

The time I spent in the wilderness has made a lasting, profound effect on my life. The specific areas I focused on were:

Clarity and purpose, both personally and in my business

Allowing more love into my life

Dissolving ego

Minimizing triggers

The practices were varied and really got to the heart of my intentions. Being in nature, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying the fresh water enhanced the experience. And Ivan’s cooking was amazing. The way of being I wanted in my life unfolded in the most unlikely ways.

Wild Zen with Ivan is an experience I will always treasure and look back on as a seminal point in my life. I look forward to continuing my work with Ivan, knowing that I am in the best of hands.

— John


I came to Ivan with several big life questions. HE helped narrow it down to a unified intent and on we went!

This was a first experience for me and I was impressed by how involved they were in my journey. After a while without much happening, I was getting impatient and Ivan kept telling me that I just had a stubborn mind ;) Not long after that, BOOM! I was alternating between crying and laughing, the hardest I have ever in my life. Both felt really good. The crying was a big relief, the laughing was just out of control!

I kept asking very hard questions as my big fears and desires were rapidly revealing themselves in succession. Each of them led to very intense crying.

At the grand finale, I was perfectly at peace with myself, and a crystal-clear life plan arose. My positivity skyrocketed and, armed with the accompanying willpower, I felt like I could go take risks and embark on completely new adventures in this beautiful world.

It's a that point that Ivan woke me up to eat together. He offered to make me a mini-sandwich with crackers and I remember delightfully saying "yes, sure!" with an enthusiasm that was off the charts! The camaraderie of that moment was wonderful.

After one day full of meditation, exposure to nature, breathing and looking objectively at the experience as a whole, I committed to start changing that part of myself right now, and let the healing begin!

Thank you Ivan

— Jonathan


C'était une première expérience pour moi et j'étais impressionné par la façon dont il étaient impliqués dans mon voyage. Après un long moment sans que rien ne se passe, je devenais impatient et Ivan me disait que j'avais implement un esprit borné ;) Peu après, BOOM! J'alternais entre des pleurs et des rires. Les plus intenses de ma vie. Les deux me faisant beaucoup de bien. Les pleurs soulageaient, les rires étaient fous!

Je posais les questions difficiles, l'une après l'autre, et mes grandes peurs et désires se révélaient en succession, menant à des pleurs intenses.

A la fin, j'étais parfaitement en paix avec moi-meme et un plan limpide s'est révélé. Ma positivité est montée en flèche et, armé avec la volonté qui va avec, je me sentais capable de prendre des risques et de m'embarquer sereinement dans de nouvelles aventures, dans ce monde merveilleux.

C'est à ce moment qu'Ivan me réveilla pour manger ensemble. Il ma proposa un mini-sandwich fait avec des petits biscuits, et je me rappelle répondre "oui bien sur!" avec un enthousiasme fabuleux. La camaraderie de ce moment était merveilleux.

Merci Ivan

— Jonathan

Wow! What an amazing experience that all humankind is deserving of being a part of.

A powerful couple of days spent on the Sunshine Coast with other participant men/brothers bonded for life and our facilitator Ivan guiding.

A profound experience of deep self-exploration into our hearts and minds. A practice in letting go of what was, and a powerful Choosing of our being moving forward. Us men now bonded for life as we were left saying goodbye to our previous selves, while creating a pathway for being to move forward. . My experience was nothing short of profound. What a gift to honor oneself within creating time to be with other like-minded individuals and travel an uncommon path. I walk away with a deep sense of being grounded, relaxed, inner alignment and trust, a readiness in beginning a new chapter in my life. So grateful to all who took part in choosing themselves first. An experience every human deserves to gift themselves, the gift of being themselves.

All the love, blessing moving forward.

— Anthony


Hi Ivan ,

I would first like to thank your beloved Lana for connecting us. It was a privilege to spend these last few days with you. I now consider you a great friend that I can trust and share my deepest emotions with.

The Wild Zen experience was perfectly syncronized with all the pieces falling into place. The journey taught me about myself and my relationships to others.

You've helped me accept fear and allow love, guiding me back to the essence of myself. A new perspective has been developed, helping me witness events and things as they are without judgement of good or bad.

As an outdoor person I truly enjoyed the setting; wild but with a sense of comfort and safety.

And the food deserves a critic of its own .

— Eric, Coldstream BC

I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with Ivan and Lana Rados

Hi, I'm Smoke Wallen and I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with Ivan and Lana Rados and their program.

My journey started many years ago, but really last year I visited Nepal and I went to Buddha's birthplace, and I had the opportunity to, make a prayer in the Japanese temple. And I'm not a very religious person, but I asked God for help. I asked Buddha for, peace and love and, Buddha delivered me, I believe firmly to Ivan and Lana.

I worked with Ivan last year in Whistler, in Sedona, and again, this summer in British Columbia. And, it's been a life transforming experience. I've been able to uncover lost memories, clear my shadows, and really have a sense of clarity of my life that, has unparalleled.

So, I can't recommend working with Ivan any more than I can do here.

It is been an extraordinary life transforming experience, and I'm eternally grateful.

— Smoke Wallin




Three days in the wilds of British Columbia focused on me. It was the perfect next step for me in my personal development journey. I embraced the Wild Zen adventure with Ivan Rados with truly clear intentions. And it more than delivered.

These days there are many that claim to be shamans, helping seekers to discover the truth and transform their lives. Ivan has spent over 30 years working at his craft and has written and published 8 books along the way. His depth of experience, love and devotion to his work were readily evident in the preparation and care he took in guiding me in my journey.

The time I spent in the wilderness has made a lasting, profound effect on my life. The specific areas I focused on were:

Clarity and purpose, both personally and in my business

Allowing more love into my life

Dissolving ego

Minimizing triggers

The practices were varied and really got to the heart of my intentions. Being in nature, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying the fresh water enhanced the experience. And Ivan’s cooking was amazing. The way of being I wanted in my life unfolded in the most unlikely ways.

Wild Zen with Ivan is an experience I will always treasure and look back on as a seminal point in my life. I look forward to continuing my work with Ivan, knowing that I am in the best of hands.
